About Us
“Building strong, efficient and cost effective structures to endure the economic, environmental and health requirements of today, tomorrow and the future.”
Fox National is an ever growing and diverse company. We, at Fox National, are proud of the success we have endured. Growth has not come easily but has rather been earned. With the slowly stabilizing world markets and an optimistic western Canadian market, Fox National has weathered one of the most unstable economic times of a generation.
Being a young, quality orientated company we still possess the passion and desire to build cost effective and energy efficient structures. Our clients are people and corporations in our communities. This is sometimes overlooked by others, but at Fox National it is what holds us true to our goal. At Fox National the growth of our clients and our communities is the means by which we measure our own success.
Fox National has been and is very fortunate to have assembled an extremely qualified and experienced team.
The current members of the Fox National family, in their history with Fox or with prior builders, have collectively built or have been directly involved in the construction of hundreds of millions of dollars of structures across Canada. At Fox we look forward to contributing to the future and sustained growth of Canada.
To sustain continued growth in the community and industry while offering a stable and rewarding working environment for our employees and contractors.
Fox National will achieve this vision by offering our customers and clients the highest quality building systems on the market supported by quality installations and build outs.