Our Building Systems

Pre Engineered Steel

Fox National is proud to be a leading supplier of pre-engineered steel Steelbuildings and metal building systems. We have been diligent in our service and quality to earn the trust of our manufactures, suppliers and customers in recent years. Our clients rely on us for the best quality structures, competitive steel building prices, and recognized outstanding customer service. At the end of the day, it’s all about your project and Fox National is here to help you get it done right, on time and within budget.

At Fox National we strive to deliver only the highest quality prefabricated steel buildings and metal building systems to commercial, industrial, agricultural and residential customers. Each building is designed per our customers exact specifications and customizations. Whether you are looking for Heavy Industrial, Commercial or Retail, Oilfield Structures, Farm Implement Storage, Metal Building Kits, Steel Barn Kits, Horse Barns, Aircraft Hangers, Auto Sales Repair and Body Shops, or Prefabricated Metal Garages, with Fox National we are with you from concept to completion.

Due to our higher than industry standard quality requirements, Fox National only purchases steel and packages from the best manufacturers.

Tilt-Up Concrete

The intended use for a building will influence whether concrete is the best choice. In general, concrete or tilt-up are suited for higher-trafficked buildings. Comparatively speaking, steel walls are less durable than concrete walls. This holds true in the face of natural forces (bad weather, earthquakes) as well as for truck or forklift accidents.Tilt up concrete When a building is damaged by a vehicle, the damage is generally more localized and less expensive to repair for a tilt-up or concrete building than for a steel building. For owners who want to build a warehouse or other facility where trucks or forklifts will be used, this can be a very important consideration.

While steel is reasonably durable, concrete remains the material of choice for buildings that require less upkeep and maintenance over the years. Concrete is impervious to corrosion, rotting, rust or insect infestation: tilt-up concrete buildings created in the 1940’s are still standing today with little apparent wear. The fact that builders in earthquake prone areas now use tilt up construction for 90 % of their single story commercial projects indicates that concrete buildings are cost competitive and extremely durable.

When factoring in potential repairs and ongoing maintenance, it’s apparent that the real dollar difference between operating a steel building and a concrete building can be significant.  Further, the added  fire safety and durability of a concrete building will usually be reflected in lower insurance premiums. If the client decides to sell the property, they will most likely find that a tilt up or other concrete building depreciates less than a steel building will.

ICF Construction

Insulating Concrete Forms are the future of the building industry. ICF construction is the most superior building technique used in today’s energy conscientious market. Popular for both residential and commercial ICF construction, ICF construction builds structures that are energy efficient, fire resistant, sound proof, and durable. Properly constructed, they are tornado and hurricane proof and can stand up to earthquake, fire and other natural disasters. Many structures conserve energy so well that heating and cooling costs are reduced by 50-70%. When combined with equally efficient building techniques and control systems, it is possible to create a carbon neutral structure. Eliminating the dreaded carbon foot print we hear so much about.

ICF’s are made by several quality manufactures and are both lightweight and easy to work with. ICF’s come in a variety of forms including blocks, panels and complete wall sections. In their hollowed block form they are stacked like Lego’s to form an exterior wall section and filled with a reinforced concrete to create an extremely strong and efficient wall section. ICF’s are most commonly made from EPS foam, commonly called Styrofoam but do range in constructed material depending on manufacture.

Insulated concrete forms are growing an estimated 20% a year, and are considered a Green Building material that can contribute significant points to LEED accreditation.

With the focus of construction turning to the Life-Term or Life-Cycle Time combined with the efficiency of structures, developers are choosing ICF to increase the original value and future values of these structures. It is estimated that by the year 2020 ICF construction in one form or another will account for up to 75% of the building market.

Custom Residential

The construction of a custom home design proceeds along the same path as any typical residential construction project, except that you choose just about everything about your new custom built home, based upon your personal tastes and budget. At Fox National Building Systems we specialize in one off floor plans custom designed for your living needs.

Building your own home is a rewarding experience if you understand your budget and know what you want and need ­ so plan first. Deciding on your budget depends upon two things: what monthly payment you can afford and what down payment you can invest. Because there are so many variables in the materials and location for your new home it is important to sit down with an experienced new home builder /general contractor to discuss your building needs in detail.

Fox National’s expertise lies in custom, large acreage or farm location homes. With years of custom building we can build your dream home including historic “Cape Code” , “Colonial”, “Ranch” and “Contemporary” designs. With the use of advance building materials such as ICF, concrete and steel, we are capable of building the most efficient homes on the planet. Combined with natural finishing’s like granite, marble, maple, ash and slates you can have all beauty nature has created. With added comforts like built in Cedar Steam Saunas, Home Theatres and In-ground Heated Pools your home really can be your castle.

Lease Hold and Tenant Improvements

In today’s economy, it is important to have a contractor that understands the value of your leaseholds. Leasehold improvements are typically an extensive build out rather than a renovation which is minor remodelling. Leasehold improvements or buildouts hold a benefit to the tenant as it is possible to amortize the development as it is considered an asset.

From the contractors point, they need to under stand that this type of development needs to be completed with quality and long life materials. This type of build out- being an asset- must retain
its value. Most home handy men don’t understand that the tenant needs a long term solution. In most cases a properly completed build out will outlast the term of the lease.

At Fox National, we understand and have whole- sale access to a wide range of quality products. This ensures that your business will be in a well-suited and well developed space for the duration of your tenancy.

Commercial and Residential Renovations

Renovations are often overlooked when signing a new lease. In too many cases the tenant looks at a developed space and sees a savings by way of the build out being completed. In some cases, this is an accurate assumption. The big thing to remember is that if the original build out or leasehold improvements were completed to a quality standard, the renovations will be minimal in both time and cost. By definition a renovation is the restoration or repair needed to put the development back to the original or earlier condition. In an instance where the original development was not completed to a quality standard the renovation costs could escalate beyond that of the original development.

It is suggested that all potential tenants have the space they are interested in leasing be looked at by a professional before entering into a lease agreement. At Fox National, we are proud to have the experience and knowledge to supply accurate and valuable assessments of your potential space. We can offer many solutions to minimize renovation costs and times associated with completions.